
Period: from 7th to 10th of July


Installing and Configuring of Metamask

MetaMask can be downloaded on Chrome & Firefox, iOS & Android from your phone. As part of this guide, we will use the Firefox version, but the instructions will be roughly the same for each platform.

First, go to the MetaMask download page. Select the platform you are using and follow the installation instructions. Simple!

Then follow the configuration instructions in the app. Click "Create wallet". Write down your seed phrase in a safe place (preferably on a device not connected to the Internet). It will be impossible to return the funds without this phrase if you damage or lose the device. On the next page, confirm that you have recorded the seed phrase.

Done! Now you can go to the wallet to send and receive funds.

Wallet configurations

You can immediately notice that we are still dealing with a wallet in the Ethereum network. At best, it will not work with our game in the test network Binance Smart Chain. In the worst case scenario, you risk losing money by sending it to a different address than you currently use. Let's fix that. We need to access the settings to make the codes for the wallet available in the Binance Smart Chain test network.

On the settings page, find "Networks".

Click "Add a network" in the upper right corner to add Binance Smart Chain Testnet manually - it is not connected to MetaMask by default.

It is important to note that here we can use two networks: test or basic. To test, we need the test network. The following settings should be specified for the test network:

Network name: BSC-Testnet

New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/

Chain ID: 97

Currency Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com

After you save the network and return to the main window, you will notice two things: the network is automatically configured for the one you have just added, and the units of measurement are not expressed in ETH, but in BNB.

Get BNB in the test network

Let's get the test BNB that we will need to pay the transaction fees. Point the mouse pointer to Account 1 and click to copy the address to the clipboard. Now let’s go to the Binance Smart Chain Faucet and insert the copied address into the form.

Click on the "Give me BNB" in drop-down menu and select 0.5 BNB. You may have to wait a few minutes, but the funds will soon appear on your wallet in the test network.

Get USDT in the test network

In order to buy HNY test coins, we need to have test USDT coins. First, let’s add USDT test coins to our wallet. Click the link "Import tokens".

In the "Token Contract Address" field, insert the address of the smart USDT test contract.

Address: 0x7136672365a9a09EAE2086fc911b948E81132040

Then press the "Import" button and see that the token has been successfully added.

To get test USDT, go to the link and click "Connect to Web3".

If you are using a mobile version of MetaMask, copy the link and open it via the MetaMask browser. It's necessary to connect your wallet to the website.

Select "Metamask" and from the pop-up window, tap "Next", then tap "Connect". The red light should change to green. Now enter the number of USDT you need in the "Claim" field (maximum 100,000), press the "Write" button and confirm the transaction.

Return to the wallet and after about 30 seconds we see that our balance has been replenished on the entered number of USDT.

In fact, all of the preparatory actions are complete and now you can begin the test process itself.

Testing process

Bag categories

Bugs are divided into categories:

  • Minor: small bugs, such as a sliding button on some device.

  • Major: bugs that do not affect business processes, but can seriously interfere during the game, for example, the withdrawal button on the mobile phone goes beyond the screen and there is no physical ability to press it.

  • Critical: severe vulnerabilities or errors in business logic, such as inability to purchase bees due to smart contract error.

Monetization of bugs

Minor = 5 USDT

Major = 10 USDT

Critical = 50 USDT

At the end of the beta testing, we will summarize the results and distribute rewards to your addresses, which you will have to indicate in your reports.

Bug reporting

The bug report should contain clear steps for its playback, ideally with videos and screenshots. The better the bug is described, the better the chance that we will be able to play it and you will get your reward for it.

Bad bug report example

I purchased bees without knowing how much HNY it costed me.

Good bug report example

Device: iPhone 11 Pro

Wallet: MetaMask

Problem: When purchasing 7 bees of the species Buzzer, the amount of purchase exceeded by 256 HNY more than was expected. Transaction link: https://testnet.bscscan.com/tx/0x895687e0fb644b897c81c6d02182e14c0504f1749acfb8fae5559d2f73cf2f51

My USDT BEP-20 address for reward: 0x6cc8dcbca746a6e4fdefb98e1d0df903b107fd21

Reports can be uploaded either to the general chat of testers or directly to technical support: https://t.me/Honeypot_Game_support

  • Link to the game in the test network Binance Smart Chain

The link will be active from July 7th.

Contract addresses in the test network:

StableCoin: 0x7136672365a9a09eae2086fc911b948e81132040

HoneypotToken: 0x91c87c500Cb58C1E73f65a8Eb685c9d3A1aa54a3

ApiaryLand: 0xc652ffd2394E1198898e06B23159871f53e0917D

HoneypotGame: 0xDA8F76BeED3f4e4d0F3Cd8A233175F712DFF511D

BeeItem: 0x6bb94f5DFA4EaC48d23C6489556D0B23318ae771

HoneyBank: 0xfbfBB50f88d67D5E16CeB53fD1680152200Fcc52


  1. If the Firefox does not display the MetaMask icon after installation: https://community.metamask.io/t/bug-metamask-add-on-button-not-showing-in-firefox/4999/2

  2. If MetaMask does not connect to bscscan, you can request in the chat room to upload the USDT test directly to your wallet.

Last updated